General Discussion


Somali kenyan

Asalamu Alykum waraxma
My name is Mohamed Abdi From kenya who has two nationalities kenya and somalia i always dream 1day i will visit my beloved countries somalia and Somaliland but as i'm Somali of this region northern kenya we always have and heard one concept or story that if a person is not Somaliland rationality holder he is not allowed to visit that country and do business freely even if he is somali by blood that somaliland country gives all the freedoms only to IDOOR people so please help me understood the fact that is there because i love that country they are great in everything...
Thank you my brothers and sisters present.

Mohamed Farah 1 week ago

Wa'Aleykoum Salaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh brother Mohamed! MashaAllah, Somaliland really is a welcoming place for everyone. So many young people from the diaspora are coming here to start businesses, and it’s awesome to see people from all backgrounds and ethnicities getting involved. The market is wide open, and business is booming, whether it's in food, retail, real estate, or so much more. The country is definitely in need of fresh ideas, and there's plenty of space for everyone to take part, InshaAllah. We’re all one community, and as long as your product or service brings value, you’ll find success, no matter your background or where you're from!